Moxie 404

What is Moxie 404? All kinds of trouble and the best way to get out of it!

Anyone who’s ever used a computer dreads that error message when the site you are looking for has moved or for some reason can’t be found . It’s a road block. A headache. A no-go zone—that is, until you’ve worked your way around it or through it. In my opinion, the best way to do that is with moxie. But what is moxie? It’s a universal concept but which only the Americans have actually put a name to, much like simpatico in Italian, craic in Gaelic, Gemütlichkeit in German. Simply put, it means the ability to deal with difficulty with courage and strength. But more than that, there’s a uniquely feminine quality about it, much like the “steel Magnolias” of America’s deep south, or even the feminine strength of the women in the north of England (of which I am one, by the way). There’s strength, there’s courage, and then there’s moxie. Lisa Simpson has it, for example. Some people think David had it when he took on Goliath armed with no more than a slingshot. I think I had it the day I was bitten by a gorilla in the Rwandan jungle. (Yes that really did happen, but it’s a story for another day). You might have it too. So put these three together when you have the difficulty (or the 404 code) and, in my opinion, that’s the best way to tackle it: with courage and strength—and a whole lot of style. That’s moxie404.

Have you ever got into a pickle? A spot of bother? What about scrape? There’s your 404 code. How did you get out of it? Show us your moxie.